Typography project for my undergraduate Graphic Design course. Upper case ‘B’.
Branding identity design mockup.
Web design project for my undergraduate Graphic Design course.
Cover design for a publication sold at the NUA MA Show 2018.
Advertising banner for a fictional genetics engineering company.
Promotional poster for my moving image installation exhibited at the NUA MA Show 2018.
My logo design on a black background.
My logo design on a white background.
Mockup of branding identity for my undergraduate Graphic Design project called Bloodletting. Poster and website.
Practice using a Wacom tablet.
Mockup of my logo.
Logo for my undergraduate Graphic Design project called Bloodletting. White background.
Branding identity guidelines for my undergraduate Graphic Design project called Bloodletting.
Image manipulation practice in Photoshop.
Promotional photograph of postcards for sale at the NUA MA Show 2018.
Wing movement presentation I made for my Research Into Practice module during my MA. Prep work for a stop motion animation.
Past homepage design for my website.
Typography project for my undergraduate Graphic Design course. Upper case and lower case ‘V’.
Typography project for my undergraduate Graphic Design course. Upper case and lower case ‘T’.
Page from a publication I designed and sold at the NUA MA Show 2018.
Main poster design for a horror anthology called Tremor made during my MA.
Logo for my undergraduate Graphic Design project called Bloodletting. Black and white version on black background.
Web design for my undergraduate Graphic Design project called Bloodletting.
Logo for my undergraduate Graphic Design project called Bloodletting. Black and white version on white background.
Poster design practice for my undergraduate Graphic Design course.
Mockup of my logo on a business card.
Promotional photograph of some of my designs printed on postcards.
Back of my business card.
Back cover for a children’s book I designed for my undergraduate Graphic Design course.
Mockup of a front cover for a children’s book I designed for my undergraduate Graphic Design course.
Logo design practice for my undergraduate Graphic Design course.
Logo for my undergraduate Graphic Design project called Bloodletting. Black background.
Alternative poster design for a horror anthology called Tremor made during my MA.
Pattern made out of my logo.
Creature model design for a stop motion animation made during my MA.
Poster design for my moving image installation exhibited at the NUA MA Show 2018.